Sunday, August 30, 2015

Create a State of certainty in your Outcome | NLP is Fun

The Power of NLP gives us the awareness of being able to calibrate ourselves as well as other people.

In this day and age getting sidetracked is a way of life for some. With so many online apps, networking sites and Facebook it is a wonder one ever reaches their destination.

Our success in any endeavor can simply be tracked back to our Feelings.
Either it feels Good
Or it Feels Bad

The other thing is at some level you must decide that you want to feel great and that all your choices result in you feeling great.
When you feel great you do great and you will open the window of possibility which moves the process further in the direction you would like.

NLP Training | NLP is Fun in Las Vegas | NLP Trainer Nadia Harper
When you have an open heart you can connect to your passion and begin to live as Authentically as possible resulting in absolute fulfillment and satisfaction.

Once you have decided you need to maintain a level of certainty. here is an NLP exercise that will help you to do that.

NLP Pattern for Creating Certainty :
1. Think of something you absolutely know for sure
2. Notice all Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Olfactory, Gustatory responses present in the 4tuple
3. find the distinctions in each submodality
4. Think of something you are NOT sure of or do not absolutely believe
5. Notice all of the 4tuple responses for this belief
6. Chunk down to the submodality distinctions and notice the differences
7. Begin to draw a contract between what you are really certain of and what you are not certain of
8. Move the belief that is uncertain into the place of a certain belief until it feels different
9. Place the new belief into the Submodality space of the certain belief until it feels absolutely certain.
10. Future pace to determine if it now feels certain.

Enjoy the exercise and get a notepad to record how you are making progress with it.

Enjoy, and I look forward to your thoughts.
If you like this NLP Blog then be sure to share it with more people who will benefit too.
There are over 200 more Empowering articles to enjoy and remember NLP is Fun so enjoy the whole experience.

Thanks for reading, Speak soon

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Eben Alexander Harvard Neurosurgeon talks about Heaven | NLP is Fun

Neurology and Consciousness has everything to do with NLP after all so this is really interesting. I recently stumbled on this story after watching Super Soul Sunday On OWN Oprah Winfrey Network.

Dr Eben Alexander used to tell patients whom had ideas of white lights and Tunnels that they were hallucinating after near death experiences. In his estimation it was not Physiologically possible for this to occur because he thought of the brain activity and these limitations.

After having his own near death experience whilst being in a Coma he shares his own account of what he experienced which has really shaken up our understanding of Neuro science and consciousness.
He shares his story here  one of the most exciting elements to come out of it for me, is once again referring to the power of belief.

One of the quotes he says is Consciousness defies Psychology and even belief. Obviously so.
With that being said the power to change your mind is quite obviously to change yourself.

Enjoy, and I look forward to your thoughts.
If you like this NLP Blog then be sure to share it with more people who will benefit too.
There are over 200 more Empowering articles to enjoy and remember NLP is Fun so enjoy the whole experience.

Thanks for reading, Speak soon

Thursday, August 20, 2015

What is being Associated verses Dissociated | NLP is Fun

In an Neuro linguistic Programming Training as you are eliciting Desired states you will consistently hear phrasing like "Be Fully Associated" and "Amplify" or "Now Dissociate", and now "Double Dissociate" NLP is like that. There are ways in which we can enhance or limit the impact of the experience.

So Let's speak about this today. firstly what I mean by enhancing the experience has to do with how connected you are to the experience.

Who do you want to be | NLP is Fun 

What does "Being Fully Associated" mean ?
This means you are running through the experience just as if it was happening right now. you are looking at the world through your very own eyes so you cannot see your whole body. You can see your hands and feet and bits of your body from within yourself.

If you look around you know this is exactly what you will notice in your memory too your surroundings and you can pay attention to what else is present. Association then is a Solid connection to yourself and also is a state of consciousness in that you are aware of your surroundings and the impact of your experience too.

What is Being Fully Associated and Amplify and Connect fully to V.A.K.O.G Representation systems
In this case you are engaging with your (4 T) Four Tuple as you experience your full range of sensory internal experience.

V= Visual
A= Auditory
K = Kinesthetic
O= Olfactory / G= Gustatory

The value of this is, let's say Being Associated was a "sketch" Being Fully Associated is filling in the details just like painting a master piece one stroke at a time.

In this Powerful state you can fully engage with all of the finer distinctions that can be found in each  of the Submodalities.

What is Being Dissociated mean ?
This means now You can see your whole Body and even your own facial expressions. You are watching yourself in many ways from a distance.
The further you go, the less the feelings of the moment seem real or connected to reality.

It is a way of having potential for objectivity, which can happen when you are dissociated.

What is Double Dissociation ?
Depending on the situation, like a Phobia for example, the pain may seem so intense that a person needs a barrier between even viewing the experience and them in the present time.
In that case imagine:

Watching yourself sitting down (Dissociated)

Watching Yourself, Watching Yourself on a Screen (Double Dissociated ) By the way depending on a persons Driver (Critical Submodality you can change the modality to have less impact in that area)
A= Sound Proof Plexi glass
V= Mist/Fog
K= A feeling of a Warm blanket
O/G = while eating smelling comfort food
Do you feel as if you know how to Dissociate and Associate now,when you are working through patterns ?

You will find this makes tons of difference.
Have you always wanted to take your licensed and Certified NLP Practitioners Training.
Our next class is in Mid August and is Experienced and Installed with Fun and interested ways to learn Neuro linguistic programming. Practitioners experience both conscious and unconscious learning during these life changing 7 days, and many say this is extremely satisfying.
If you want to demystify NLP making it  fun and easy to learn then find out more here 

If you like this NLP Blog then be sure to share it with more people who will benefit too.
There are over 200 more Empowering articles to enjoy and remember NLP is Fun so enjoy the whole experience.

Thanks for reading, Speak soon

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

NLP Glossary | NLP is Fun

I invite you to read the NLP Glossary of common terms on NLP is Fun in Las Vegas. Here you can find answers for maybe something you have heard somebody using before but maybe you were not sure what it meant. You can click though here .

Some of you already know this and perhaps some have not seen it yet. Either way Bookmark it if you like.
NLP is Fun in Las Vegas | Certified  NLP Practitioners Training

Remember the more you study NLP on a regular basis, the better your will become as Neuro Linguistic programming becomes second nature to you.

Think about it, how will your life change for the better as you become unconsciously competent in NLP . I am positive you will love our Fun and thorough NLP Practitioner Training held in beautiful Las Vegas.

Here are 100 Reasons to Learn NLP and there are many more than that but hey, this is a start.

Have you always wanted to take your licensed and Certified NLP Practitioners Training.
Our next class is in October 2015 and is Experienced and Installed with Fun and interested ways to learn Neuro linguistic programming in a way that attendees find both conscious and unconscious many say this is extremely satisfying to demystify NLP making it  fun and easy to learn.

Find out more about our Certified NLP Practitioners Program here Boom. Let's Go !

If you like this NLP Blog then be sure to share it with more people who will benefit too.
There are over 200 more Empowering articles to enjoy and remember NLP is Fun so enjoy the whole experience.

Thanks for reading, Speak soon

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

NLP | Four Tuple (4T) | 4 Tuple | NLP is Fun

In Neuro linguistic programming you my often hear the Phrase 4 Tuple. So what does a (4T) 4 Tuple or Four Tuple mean in NLP ?

Answer: A 4 Tuple (4T) / Four Tuple is a Model and it is comprised of full sensory experience which Must include:
1. V=Visual
2. A=Auditory
3. K=Kinesthetic
4. O=Olfactory/ G = Gustatory (as one for the sake of abbreviation) O = O/G in other words.

Certified NLP Practitioner Training in Las Vegas

This Model originated as an Internal experience and a way of processing with full sensory awareness to engage with and enhance to amplify the fullest experience possible.
Because processing in this way can be frequently unconscious, it may switch to an external experience as well.

This is indicated as:
I = Internal
E= External

Thought and Thinking is defined as Internal Processing
E = External added with a modality indicates something outside of Self

Once the sequence of the structure of processing is elicited it will be recorded in the exact sequence and then becomes a Strategy.
This is useful to add to or deconstruct the particular behavior.
Depending on if the behavior is adding to the quality of a persons life or not.

When a Strategy is written, it also includes Internal or External to the Modality as we mentioned before because this makes a difference to exactly how a person is processing.

Which helps us to help them insert more choices exactly where they are needed.

A strategy for a specific structure could then be written the following way:
Ke = Kinesthetic External (something on the outside inspired me /Annoyed me / made me smile
Ki = Kinesthetic Internal ( I felt cozy when the fire was lit / I smiled when I remembered you)
And so on for each sensory Modality.

This is an example of how you will designate what a person is doing and know how a person is creating a certain behavior.

Each Model must have the 4 Tuple components to provide a full range for a sound and maximized exploration and experience.

Here is what a strategy sequence may look like:
K1 ->Adi->Ve->Vi.

Feels bad->Says"I feel bad"->Sees a Rainbow->Feels better inside.
Easy isn't it.

If you like this NLP Blog then be sure to share it with more people who will benefit too.
There are over 200 more Empowering articles to enjoy and remember NLP is Fun so enjoy the whole experience.

Monday, August 17, 2015

NLP Celebrates 40 Year Anniversary | NLP is Fun

Congratulations to the field of Neuro Linguistic programming for being 40 years  in existence. 
NLP is my passion and ongoing and ever expanding technology of choice as an Interviewer - Trainer - Coach - Speaker - People Developer - Communicator -Blogger - Vlogger - High achiever - Life Conqueror and everything else in between.

Using NLP has given me a set of tools that compare to none and a constant drive to improve and question "what is real to me or to them, and how is reality being constructed in this context anyway".
This is an extremely powerful concept because it presents the opportunity that what we see does not have to be what we get.

There is so much more for us to discover about how we present reality, what this means, why we have decided that, would we like to change it and if so what will be the best way for each individual.
Then testing, tweaking and achieving in great strides that seem ridiculously easy from the other side.

We can do all of this and so much more.
We have the absolute advantage with this technology.
We must treat it as an exploration, this information will expand as much as we would like it to.
we are improving NLP for each of our use, we are adding to it's benefit as we learn about it and what else is possible for each of us.

Becoming a Practitioner of NLP opens a persons eyes and perhaps starts the journey and the relationship.
Becoming a Master Practitioner, begins to take NLP to an advanced level of knowledge and Know how, Introducing even deeper concepts of personal transformation and directional life and business mastery.

This however certainly is not the That is it I know it all know! That some may think it is and neither is becoming a Trainer of NLP.

The journey of NLP is an ongoing conversation and one that never ends, it certainly is best learned through personal application which is an attitude, a daily commitment to using this tool set to gain richer and more powerful living.

How has NLP changed your life experience ?
I Invite you to take the time to discover what you really have learned about yourself, since your association with NLP.

If you like this NLP Blog then be sure to share it with more people who will benefit too.
There are over 200 more Empowering articles to enjoy and remember NLP is Fun so enjoy the whole experience.
Thanks for reading, Speak soon

Friday, August 14, 2015

Pump up your Power In minutes | NLP is Fun

If you are a regular reader of this Blog about Neuro Linguistic programming NLP is Fun you will know I love to speak about the power of Mind and Body, Mind Body being one cybernetic loop.

Your brain influences how you feel/heal and your Body Influences how you Feel/Heal in your Emotions.

Using your physiology to release good brain chemistry then is essential to creating great states and real Power moves.

Btw, do you regularly work out ?
If you use your body to move and really challenge yourself, you will know it feels amazing.
If you haven't managed to get on track with working out just yet then this blog post may be of great interest to you and could easily be a great way to begin.

Bob Marley Playing Football in between Concerts for Mind Body Exercise. 
You can split your Power moves and strength training into just 4 minutes segments,
Believe it or not allot can be done in 4 minutes and you can certainly get your heart rate going.
And Power up the Strength and Intensity.

I love to challenge myself on a High intensity Run or Power walk in the morning for about 45 minutes to an hour.

Later in the day, I frequently use 4 minute intervals to ramp up energy it throughout the day and do the exercises that are more challenging to do all at once.

Yoga clears your mind and aligns your "Body Mind" in just a few minutes | NLP is Fun

Stuff like sit ups, crunches and Planks. Sometimes I do Yoga just to release tension, clear my mind and energize powerfully at the same time. There are lots of short video's you can follow along with too and the warm ups alone get your energy buzzing powerfully.

Find out more about 4 minute intervals and the power of it here, and watch this fun warm up video. Perhaps you would like to join in too this is a Great 4 minute Fun work out  just notice yourself feeling energized after moving a little bit to this.

Get this 4 week NLP Online Coaching course.
The Hypnotic Visualization process 

Boom. Let's Go !
If you like this NLP Blog then be sure to share it with more people who will benefit too.
There are over 200 more Empowering articles to enjoy and remember NLP is Fun so enjoy the whole experience.
Thanks for reading, Speak soon

Thursday, August 13, 2015

What is your story | NLP is Fun

Today I was thinking about stories, for example The stories we tell ourselves, and  each other. In fact the Stories we live by.
Stories have so much go do with our experience our Past, Present and Future. If I was to ask you what is your story, would you tell me all of the things that are wrong with your life. Is this what you play over and over in your mind ?
Or would it be a happy ending, in fact a story of Victory and Triumph over extreme obstacles.

Would it be an inspiring story of strength, personal power and Determination against all odds ?
What is your story and what are you doing every single day to make sure you are the Victor and Role model of your own story ?
Perhaps you can begin to think of yourself differently even as somebody who always succeeds no matter what it seems like.
Use the Circle of excellence to remember what it feels like to become Victorious and Win.
Then just begin to Act as if and make it happen.
You can begin with a little Self Hypnosis to really program your mind for the better.

Boom. Let's Go !

If you like this NLP Blog then be sure to share it with more people who will benefit too.
There are over 200 more Empowering articles to enjoy and remember NLP is Fun so enjoy the whole experience.
Thanks for reading, Speak soon

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

10 Steps to take control of Criticism Now | NLP is Fun

There are some times when a person has a habit of criticizing and looking for what is wrong in just about any situation.
This remember, is just a way of filtering for difference.
The person is filtering through a Frame of :
"What is wrong with this"
"What is Different about this"

The presupposition is that the person would prefer to control the frame and has a set way in which they would like it to show up.

1.The Components must be right
2.The circumstances must be right
3.The sequence must be right

On the other hand,  people who are looking to please others and fit within the parameters that have been (Ambiguously) set will inevitably get something wrong

Because if all three are not right, then none of it is right in the Criticizers mind.

1.The Components must be right
2.The circumstances must be right
3.The sequence must be right

Now the problem with this is once you are on the receiving end of all of this constant filtering. Because it feels like Judgement and criticism, and this does not feel very nice.
Eventually it tends to make people nervous to do anything for fear of Ridicule and criticism.

A few weeks ago we spoke about Judgement you can check that out here
Here are some things you can do to take the sting out of being criticized and Judged and become immune.

The Pattern:
1. Think about somebody who filters through difference and frequently criticizes you to the point where you feel really bad.

2. Notice in your minds eye, the way they look at you.

3. Hear them say all the nasty things they say and notice how they say it, including gestures, Body Language, Tonality.

4.Notice where any bad feeling starts in your body.

5.Take this Image and make it Black and White.

6. Move it far away and into the distance.

7. Make it much smaller and put a funny hat on the Person or something else that makes you laugh.
Hear them repeat the criticism using crazy tonality that makes you laugh or takes the sting out of it.
8. Begin to notice how quickly you feel better.

9. Clear the screen, Future pace and repeat for effectiveness check.

10 Calibrate as necessary.

By the way, do you remember this Language pattern that also is related to this Topic.

Any way when you work this exercise through you will quickly erase all of the nastiness and Then you can still Train your brain to  Kill it in 2015 with us and get amazing results.

Boom. Let's Go !
If you like this NLP Blog then be sure to share it with more people who will benefit too.
There are over 200 more Empowering articles to enjoy and remember NLP is Fun so enjoy the whole experience.
Thanks for reading, Speak soon

Monday, August 10, 2015

Failure is Final | NLP is Fun

"People who believe in failure are Guaranteed a Mediocre existence" according to Tony Robbins and we know this is true don't we.

Because your RAS = Reticular Activating system searches to filter out anything that is not reminding you that you have been programmed to fail.

So when you want something no matter what it seems like, stay plugged into the end result that you are expecting.

You can and will do it when you are certain that you will achieve your result.
Even if everyone you know and look up to is having a hard time believing in you, you can believe in you with all you have,

Every fiber of your being must be congruent in expectation of your achievement and do not become Hypnotized by fear of Failure, after all Failure is Final.

Failure is stopping and concluding you have tried everything and it just won't happen.
Remember Nikola Tesler who in spite of obsessive and compulsive behaviors and multiple challenges with his work was determined to prove his ideas were useful and unique.

Today Nikola Tesler's work is well respected and his legacy positive.
Failure is Final, so deciding a person has failed is never really true since even after death a persons work can live on and be awarded the highest honors.

Whatever your project make sure you first learn how to motivate yourself and find new ways to succeed while being certain you WILL Get it!

Boom. Let's Go !

If you like this NLP Blog then be sure to share it with more people who will benefit too.
There are over 200 more Empowering articles to enjoy and remember NLP is Fun so enjoy the whole experience.

Thanks for reading, Speak soon