Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Milton Model Language | Maybe | NLP is Fun

The following NLP Language pattern can be used when being artfully Vague and inspiring a person to find and agree with solutions inside of them.

Maybe you already know that NLP is great for Negotiation of any kind. and this pattern is perfect for implying possibility.

Maybe, you will think differently about a Limiting belief you had
Maybe you haven't _____________ Yet and that doesn't mean you won't later !
Maybe you haven't thought of all the ways in which _______________ is Possible now!
Maybe you have experienced ____________ for yourself and you love it too
Maybe you wont take as long as you thought when you ________________
Maybe ______________________ will be so much easier then you know
Maybe when ____________ it will inspire you to ________________ which you had been avoiding before now
Maybe using this pattern in your problems will cause you to _______________ so much more quickly
Maybe he __________________ and maybe he didn't perhaps we will never truly know for sure
Maybe she will realize it is possible and _________________ before the end of the day

Maybe you will discover more ways to use this Covert language pattern
Maybe the situation will work out to your advantage
Maybe everything is working out for your best anyway
Maybe Hypnotic language comes naturally to you
Maybe thinking in terms of possibility is easier than you thought
Maybe you can chunk it down to get more detail
Maybe you can chunk it up to gain a larger perspective
Maybe learning Hypnosis is natural to you
Maybe you are better at Neuro linguistic programming than you thought you could be

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There are over 200 more Empowering articles to love and remember NLP is Fun so you can satisfy your craving for NLP and gain the whole experience.

Thanks for reading, Speak soon.

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