Saturday, December 25, 2010

NLP Commercials at Xmas

Merry Xmas Everyone I hope you are enjoying your Holiday.
I have noticed people Love Xmas or they cannot stand Xmas, this has much to do with the Associations we connect to surrounding this Holiday.

Xmas is usually thought of as a Time to connect with Loved ones, eat drink and be merry.
It is a Field day for Advertisers who make full use of these Anchors and fire them off willy Nilly to get us spending and creating the suggestion of Magic at Xmas.

What Associations do you have to Xmas ?
If you don't like the ones you have you could always change them with the power of NLP.
I always enjoy the Commercials at Xmas to understand the way advertisers use the Power of Anchors that result in more sales.

Here are some Interesting ones to watch.

Have fun and I will speak with you soon.

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