Wednesday, November 24, 2010

NLP - Embedded Commands

Embedded Commands:
Here is small Chunk , you will likely find ez and Fun.
If I say to you directly "get yourself working on a plan" chances are I may meet resistance from your conscious mind which is wondering why did she say that, that's so rude and then the whole point is lost.

An Embedded Command will allow you to say what you want in an easy and elegant way as well as bypassing the Critical faculty (slipping past your conscious mind logic and reasoning).
The Critical Faculty is used to define Logic for yourself, compared to what you know to be true or realistic in your own personal Experience.

Bypasing the Critical Faculty:
Here is an example of Spiderman (who walks up a wall) and changes his clothes and then becomes a Superhero ... Logically your Critical Faculty will dispute the reality of this ... by sorting through your own experiences.

Sensory Overload - Submission to Hypnosis:
Luckily, Sensory overload is in position, just like in normal Hypnosis and eventually the Unconscious Mind takes over and the Conscious Mind (Logic Police) agree's to partake in the illusion for the sake of the overall enjoyment of the process.

Embedded Commands  - One of the 5 Subcatagories of Milton Model's Indirect Elicitation Patterns
Embeded Commands are Indirect Elicitation Patterns of the Milton model, most often used for suggestion in Communication.
Where we will see this quite a bit is in Hypnosis, Persuasion and Influence and Language Patterns used to move a process forward such as Sales and Negotiations

Indirect Elicitation Patterns Also Consist of :
Embedded Commands - As I am descibing
Analogue Marking - Making gestures to Markout Verbal or Nonverbal suggestions
Embedded Question - Questions that are sandwiched in the middle of conversation
Negative Commands - preceeding conversation with a negative - when you want somebody to do it
Conversational Postulates - Yes or No answer questions that envoke other responses

Example of an embedded Command:

I will first say something like
And when you become more comfortable in your new house as you know you will you will find you get yourself working on a plan and then things will flow much more easily and suddenly you will begin to notice opportunities are all around you, wherever you choose.

So as you can see I have used language to sandwich some Commands into the sentence.
The reason being is, if I said
Become more comfortable in your new house
get yourself working on a plan
Notice Opportunities

I may have met with resistance from the operator
Often people do not enjoy being told what to do, so the sandwich soften's it all up so it is nice and goey and easily digested.

We will speak about this again as it becomes important when we talk more about the Milton Model

Remember this chunk was a small piece of Milton Model Language
More Specifically Indirect Elicitation Patterns
and we spoke of Embedded Comands.

Next time I will share more with you about:

The Other 4:
Analogue Marking - Making gestures to Markout Verbal or Nonverbal suggestions
Embedded Question - Questions that are sandwiched in the middle of conversation
Negative Commands - preceeding conversation with a negative - when you want somebody to do it
Conversational Postulates - Yes or No answer questions that envoke other responses

Have fun practicing and let me know how you are getting on.

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